Tuesday 23 June 2015

God's Creature: 'Uganda's ugliest man' blessed with 8th child from second wife

A Ugandan man who is tagged 'Ugliest Man' in the country now has his 8th child from his second wife.
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While some men who feel they are blessed by God in the looks department, Godfrey Baguma, a Ugandan man who has been tagged as 'Uganda's Ugliest Man' due to a rare medical condition giving him his distinctive looks, has just had an eight child from his second wife, Kate Namanda, whom he married in 2013 after he divorced his first wife after she committed adultery.
The 47-years-old Godfrey Baguma, known as Sebabi, - which means the 'ugliest of them all', attributes his prolific ability in the production faculty, to God's blessings which has been channeled below his belt.

Sebabi, a former cobbler, now uses his unique features to earn a living and even appears at events as Uganda’s Ugliest Man just for people to see him, but he took it a step further by launching a singing career.
His wedding ceremony in 2013 brought his small hometown of Kyazanga, in the Lwengo District of Uganda, to a standstill as guests paid 4,000 Ugandan shillings to attend the reception and see the woman Sebabi married.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Fusion Gospel Meets Runway:2015 Edition to hold June 19

The yearly event that holds in Calabar, Fusion Gospel Meets Runway is set for the 2015 edition.
Popular gospel fashion runway shows tagged Fusion Gospel Meets Runway that holds yearly in Calabar is set for its 2015 edition.
As they go through the seasons and times of fashion, from the 60’s to the present, the different trends that really made the times and ages stand out, they will be reflecting on the past but concentrating projected past to inform a colourful future.
Date: Friday, June 19, 2015
Time: 6 PM
Venue: Pearl Ball Room, Transcorp Hotel, Calabar
Ticket: Regular – N1000 | VIP – N5000 | Table – N50,000

Olamide:Winner of rapper's 'Shakitibobo' dance competition to win gold PS4 pad

The rapper who is in England with frequent collaborator Phyno has announced his 'Shakitibobo' dance competition on Instagram. 
YBNL front man Olamide is aiming to take his 'Shakitibobo' dance more viral.
The rapper who is in England with frequent collaborator Phyno has announced his 'Shakitibobo' dance competition on Instagram.
The rules are simple. Post a video of you doing the dance on Instagram. The video with the highest number of likes wins.
Now get this, the winner of the competition will win a gold PS4 pad pimped out by luxury designer Malivelihood. The competition ends on the June 26, 2015.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Beware: Drugs taken for painful periods could cause infertility - Research says

The researchers analysed the effects of the 3 NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) on fertility. 
Women have been cautioned against taking drugs for painful periods and back pain as it could cause infertility.
A new study revealed that drugs such as naproxen, diclofenac, ibuprofen and aspirin which are largely used for the treatment of pain, inflammation, painful periods and fever can reduce a woman’s fertility.
The researchers analysed the effects of the 3 NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) on fertility.
As part of the study, painkiller study investigator, Prof. Sami Salman, of the University of Baghdad, Iraq recruited 39 women of childbearing age who suffer from back pain to take part in the study.
The women received diclofenac (100mg once daily), naproxen (500mg twice daily) and etoricoxib (90mg once daily) or a placebo.
The drugs were given 10 days after the beginning of their menstrual cycle, the first day of a woman’s period.
Researchers tested whether the women had ovulated by analysing the level of the hormone progesterone, via a blood sample. They also measured the diameter of the dominant follicle, a fluid-filled cavity in the ovaries that contains one undeveloped egg, using ultra sonography, a form of ultrasound.
The team found that of the women receiving NSAIDs, only 6.3% of those taking diclofenac ovulated, and only 25% of women taking naproxen and 27.3% taking etoricoxib ovulated.
This was compared with 100% of women in the control group, who were not taking medication.
Based on the findings Salman said:
“After just 10 days of treatment we saw a significant decrease in progesterone, a hormone essential for ovulation, across all treatment groups, as well as functional cysts in one third of patients. These findings show that even short-term use of these popular, over-the-counter drugs could have a significant impact on a women’s ability to have children."
Also doctors said the risk of reduced fertility associated with the drugs, must be communicated to women regularly taking the medication.

Marriage success tips: Top 3 rules for long-lasting marriage from couples who have been together for over 50 yrs

Intending and newly married couples should always seek advice from couples who have made it through decades of marriage
Marriage is meant to be "till death do us part" which is why intending and newly married couples should always seek advice from couples who have made it through decades of marriage with the same significant other.
Krystle Crossman of Healthy Black Woman lists three tips from these couples married over for 50 years:
  1. When you are about to fight, make a sandwich – This may sound crazy but it actually works. How many times have you become so hungry that you become angry at every little thing that is going on? If you and your partner are about to have a fight take a time out at eat something before you get into it. You will be able to have a more calm and rational discussion when your blood sugar isn’t at a low point and when you have a stomach that isn’t growling. It may seem almost impossible to stop a fight to make a sandwich but it will be worth it in the end.
  2. Timing – Timing is everything when it comes to a difficult conversation. If you have something to say and you know it is going to create conflict or even start a big fight you need to make sure that you are bringing it up at the right time to avoid something bigger. Gauge your partner’s mood and make sure that they are not in an angry or a tense mood to start with as things will just escalate that much quicker. Also weigh in on the amount of distraction that your spouse has at the time that you want to talk. If they have brought their work home with them or they are dealing with some major crisis from a friend it may not be the best time to bring the conversation up as they are not going to have the energy or concentration to really hear what you have to say.
  3. Take a break from the argument – When you do get into an argument and it is getting really heated the best thing that you can do is take a break so that you can both clear your minds and calm down. If you continue to drag the situation out when you are both frustrated beyond belief it can make things much worse than they could be. Take some time to think and reflect on the argument and try to come up with a solution.

Jega: Outgoing INEC Chairman reveals biggest regret

Jega said further that the staff of the commission were subjected to difficult circumstances during the 2015 elections.
Outgoing Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Attahiru Jega has revealed that his biggest regret was his inability to create a separate salary structure for INEC workers.
Jega said further that the staff of the commission were subjected to difficult circumstances during the 2015 elections.
The Chairman made the disclosure on Monday, June 15, 2015, while speaking at a retreat Titled, “2015 general elections: Lessons and the way forward” in Abuja.
Jega said:
“We have done our best as a commission under very difficult circumstances and the major regret as I have always acknowledged is that a major undertaking we made when we first resumed at the commission is to have a separate salary structure for the members of staff of the commission but we have not been able to achieve this.”
“And obviously this is one area where we still have to do a lot of work and put in a lot of efforts as we move towards the future and to improve. But apart from that, I don’t think we have done badly in terms of promoting the welfare and the wellbeing of the members of staff.”
 “Again as I said, we could not have satisfied the expectations of everybody, we believe that we have done our best. I must say that not all of you are happy with some of the measures that we have introduced as a commission.”
Jega is expected to leave office on June 30 and has said that he has no interest in a tenure elongation.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Personal relationship: 8 ways to handle rejection like it never happened

Getting upset and looking morose after rejection is simply a waste of your precious time
Ever been rejected by someone special before? Depending on how emotionally stable you are rejection can range from being very painful to no big deal.
Getting upset and looking morose after rejection is simply a waste of your precious time and it is advisable to get over your pain and quick and possible and see the bright side of it all.
Elizabeth Stone of Attract the One lists 8 ways you can overcome rejection like a pro:
  1. Cultivate A Blasé, Thankful Attitude About Rejection: Letting yourself be interested in someone new over and over again while getting your feelings hurt can make you want to crawl into a hole and give up on dating altogether. It can also help you create some really detrimental negative attitudes about men that will hurt you more than anything else. This is why it’s to your benefit to be thankful he’s gone. Don’t become one of those bitter-ass people who comes to me hurt and broken, trying to sell me the same old sob story about how there’s no one good out there (or much worse, that men are jerks). I call bullshit!No matter what you’re like, in all age groups, across the world, there is someone who you would really enjoy splitting a meal and/or a bedroom with. There are tons of worthy, beautiful people out there who want to date you. This is why you should thank your lucky stars that the wrong person for you sauntered out of your life completely on their own! This is freeing and should be celebrated. Why? They were wrong for you. You might feel like you had the rug pulled out from under you but once you get your emotions back on track it will seem like a real blessing.
  2. Don’t Let Fear of Rejection Stop You From Taking Risks: The fear of rejection alone keeps so many people from getting what they desperately want in their lives. Don’t be one of those people. I guarantee you won’t be on your deathbed saying “I’m so glad I never flirted with that hot guy, he might not have liked me.” I feel ridiculous even typing that. In the long run, regret is much more painful than rejection. If you got rejected, at least you tried to do something! This is infinitely better than letting the chance to gain something great pass you by. Rejection hurts temporarily and then it’s over. The nice thing is, if you’re getting rejected, someone probably doesn’t want you in their life. This also means that you don’t have to face them while you lick your wounds. If you’re temporarily embarrassed, you can be embarrassed away from them. Perfect.
  3. Handle Your Problems: Another reason why people run into problems with rejection is that they have those elephants in the room that they use to turn into reasons why another person might not want to get into a relationship with them. You must handle your problems so you don’t have these skeletons in your closet waiting to become excuses for why you aren’t meeting anyone good. If you desperately need to fix your finances or see a therapist, do that. If you had a shitty childhood and as a result have bad relationships with everyone, find a way to get over it. If you don’t handle your problems, this will only serve to create more issues. When you meet someone you really, really like, the inevitable “skeleton in my closet” conversation will stress you out and possibly ruin everything. Second, it gives you an excuse for why you’re not meeting anyone good. So handle your problems now while they are small, before you have to have “the talk” about any of it with a new beau.
  4. Deal With Your Negative Attitudes About Yourself and The Dating Pool: If you think that you’re a fat sack who never deserves anything good, why in the world would anyone want to be around you? If you believe that all men are pigs, why would one want to make a life with you? If you moan to everyone who will listen that all the great guys are already taken, why would you meet an eligible, single one of them? Here is the reality about paralyzing beliefs. If I believed that the atmosphere outside my house would literally kill me, would I ever go outside? Of course not! This is exactly what you’re doing to yourself when you stop believing that there is someone great out there for you. You’re needlessly limiting your options and spewing negativity into the world. It’s time to exorcise these unhappy, negative attitudes. If you have to, get a rubber band and snap it every time you hear yourself saying something negative. Don’t hate on cute couples. Don’t hate on men. Don’t hate on anyone. When negativity slips out, I want to hear a loud snap of that rubber band. The alternative is to wallow and stay stuck. If all you really want to do is have cheese and whine with your girlfriends about your negative feelings regarding the male population, don’t let me stop you. Just don’t believe that Mr. Right will ever come along, or stay long once he finds out how much you hate the menfolk.
  5. Let Go: Make it a big, important personal goal to practice letting go of all resentment, anger and hurt that you’ve experienced in relationships. If you’re going around bitter and angry all the time, realize that other people can tell. Anger and resentment are like a horrible-smelling perfume that wafts into the room before you do. If you’re hung up on your past relationships, it’s guaranteed you’re turning people off right and left. A healthy, happy person will quickly tire of dealing with your truckload of baggage. Let go of all of those people who walked into your life and promptly searched for the door. Don’t call them. Don’t text. Don’t send them Christmas cards. Say goodbye to the hope that it would work out and let their rejection set you free to find the right person. Don’t obsess about the reasons, what you said or what you did. Be unapologetic about cutting them out of your life. Move on! Cultivating anger and negative emotions will just poison you and make it harder to meet someone great.
  6. Stop Taking Rejection Personally: It’s important to remember that the experience of rejection doesn’t automatically translate into a failing on your part. For whatever reason, you weren’t right for them. Maybe they are terribly flawed and the relationship was too much for them. Maybe you were too beautiful, positive, happy or type-A. Maybe you were too organized. Maybe they were too self-centered. Maybe you two just didn’t click. It doesn’t matter why you are wrong for someone. If you’re not right for them, you’re not right for them. It is not up for debate. Don’t fight it or get angry, it’s just a simple fact. I might not love vanilla ice cream, but that doesn’t make vanilla ice cream not worthy, right? Same with you. You just weren’t their flavor.
  7. Avoid Revenge: Don’t under any circumstances try and “get even” with someone who has rejected you. Don’t even vaguely fantasize about it. Concede that it was good (or not) while it lasted, shake their hand and move on. In the case of someone leaving you for someone else or cheating on you, this can sound incredibly difficult, but it’s even more important. They will have long moved on while you’re still holding the emotional bag. Be the classy lady you are and take it on the cheek. This is not being a doormat, it’s being smart. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. If you appear indifferent to his transgression, leave him and move on, you will stay on his mind a lot longer than if you went all bunny boiler and gave him a reason to refer to you as “his crazy ex.” If you were hoping for revenge, just know that your calm handling of his rejection will drive him nuts for years.
  8. Get Rejected More: If you have to, turn dating into a game. See how many people you can meet in the course of a week. Smile at people. FLIRT. Flirt like your life depends on it. If you must, learn how to flirt. Stop judging people who know how to flirt and vow to learn from them. If you know someone already good at flirting, ask them about it. If you aren’t getting rejected at least occasionally, you’re playing it too safe. If your feelings are never hurt, there’s a good chance that you’re not getting any closer to meeting the right person. Practice makes perfect. If you’re getting every door closed in your face, you learn that is a normal condition and it ceases to hurt your feelings as much as it did in the beginning. If you’ve always been told how great you are and suddenly go through a divorce or a bad breakup, the spiral can be brutal because you’re just not familiar with it. This is why it’s critical to get rejected more. In the context of dating and relationships, this means to meet more people and go on more dates. Go on dates with the long shot. Go on lots of dates. If you have to, spare your feelings about the outcome by pretending you’re conducting an anthropology experiment on the human race. Go after people who you aren’t certain about. Face all fear like it’s your job. Eventually rejection won’t be that big of a deal anymore because it will seem old hat. Changing your attitude about rejection can change your whole life. Each and every time you start to feel like someone is blowing you off or that sinking feeling when they want to have “the talk”, I want you to be thankful that you’re getting that much closer to meeting the right person for you.

Personal relationships: Stop living for others! Reasons you'll never truly be happy this way

Since power and greed are two very seductive desires, the standards have become more and more unattainable
Relationship writer, Jessica M. Miller of YourTango explains what it truly means to be happy, how to create a 'me' time for yourself.
Read her article below:
I've noticed that more people are responding with, “I’m busy,” rather than, “I’m good,” when asked how they're doing. This observation got me thinking that being preoccupied and over-scheduled is the new, welcomed normal.
If you're, in fact, like the masses, you're probably asking yourself, Is this as good as it gets? But why do you keep using the Busy response like a badge of honor?
I'll tell you why and some simple solutions to get out of this life-sucking epidemic.
Let me share an experience with you, in order to illustrate what I’m talking about. I was recently on a business trip with my husband, and I was talking with a fellow seminar attendee about a book I read. She responded in a condescending tone, “Read? I can’t remember when I had time to read an actual book. I guess I’m just too busy.” That’s sad.
It’s tragic that we've allowed societal expectations to skew our perception of leisure, to the point that we view any activity that's not considered work as a waste of time.
How Did This Happen?
It happened in a very methodical and malicious manner where media and advertisements fed us messages that we weren't enough. The media has created this illusion of how we need to behave, look and feel, along with the things that we need to achieve, accomplish and acquire in order to obtain true happiness.
After a while, we stopped questioning the illusion’s attainability and accepted it as truth. This is when we stopped being honest. We crafted facades and only allowed others to see what we wanted them to see — perfection. Now we live in a world full of posers and pretenders, where authenticity is as rare as seeing a tween riding a bicycle, and real talk is as foreign as free time.
Why Would Society Set Such Impractical Standards?
It's for greed. Just think about it: If we always believe that we're not enough, we'll constantly chase after anything that promises contentment.
And it's for power. Society demands order and control. Since power and greed are two very seductive desires, the standards have become more and more unattainable. Look around and you'll see we're all one in the same, all searching for that elusive dream that has been promised to us, if we just do it all right. The dream is like the rabbit that leads the dogs around the racetrack — it will always remain just out of our reach.
What Does This Cost Us?
If we continue on this path of self-destruction, we will find ourselves unhappy, overwhelmed, without a purpose and kind of robotic. The days will feel like a blur and the years will fly by, until something happens to jolt us back to life. Either someone we love will tragically die, or we will personally get some morbid news from the doctor. Only then will we slow down enough to look at the life we've created and ask, "Is this it?"
How Can We Stop This Madness?
You can make the choice to slow down and take inventory of what your life truly is. I’m sure you’ll find it surprising how many hours you spend volunteering for things that mean absolutely nothing to you, how much time you waste being a shuttle service for your children’s extra curricular activities, and how none of your values line up with the way you're choosing to live your life.
Take action by simplifying your schedule, commitments and life. Adopt the great skill of discernment when it comes to giving away your time. Get to know the real you by becoming curious about your likes and dislikes, what fills your cup versus what doesn't, and what excites rather than numbs you.
From the extra time you gain, you can savor the moments that you have and begin to craft a life that's actually worth living.

This Means War: Girl brings family to beat teacher up in school

A girl in Abia State brought her family to beat up her teacher after she had been asked to barb her hair
Facebook user, Nwaokoma Thomas Izuchukwu  narrated an unbelievable event that happened in a school in Abia State. He narrated the events:
"On Monday at Ozar secondary school, Asa in Ukwa West LGA of Abia State when a student who was sent home by a teacher Mrs Njoku to barb her hair, regrouped with her mother and elder siblings to attack teachers and students.
The JSS two student, Precious Nwadike had earlier been warned by same teacher two weeks ago to barb her hair but she did not heed to the warning. On arrival to school on Monday, the student was asked to go home to get her haircut.
She left immediately only to return two hours later with the mother and four of her siblings who marched straight to the staff room and commanded the teachers to come out. Furthermore, the mother of the student, Mrs Nwadike held a teacher, pulled her cloth & ordered the sons to cut her hair. The intervention of another teacher, Mrs Osuagwu provoked the sons and one of them, Uche almost strangled her. But the quick intervention of students, led to a free for all fight in which Mrs Nwadike and children were fully prepared.' According to Izuchukwu Nwaokoma, it took the intervention of an annoymous youth corp member currently serving in the school who alerted military personnel to come to the rescue. 'Their quick arrival calmed the situation and doused the tension. Mrs Nwadike and children were arrested and taken to Obehie police station, Asa.
The Principal of the school, Mrs F.N Nwachukwu took both the wounded students and teachers to the nearest Health Center for treatment."

Prof Fidelis Okafor: Ojukwu University VC wins Commonwealth Vice-Chancellor of the Year award

Prof Fidelis Okafor, the Vice-Chancellor of the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) Igbariam, Anambra State, has been named the Commonwealth Vice-Chancellor of the Year.
Prof Fidelis Okafor, the Vice-Chancellor of the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU) Igbariam, Anambra State, has been named the Commonwealth Vice-Chancellor of the Year.
The Commonwealth Students' Parliament (CSP) presented the excellence award to Okafor at the COOU Auditorium.
CSP Speaker, Peter Mugisa, who presented the award, said the Vice-Chancellor was being honoured for his strides in infrastructure development and providing a congenial learning atmosphere for students.
"A man that has and is still contributing his quota to nation building, humanity and the promotion of qualitative education which remain the best legacy that can be bequeathed on the children of the common man in any society," he said.
"As we develop within our democratic dispensation in Africa, it is important that the youths, who constitute the most cohesive and articulate component in the African society should be fully involved in our task of societal development and consolidation of the achievements that is being recorded in our educational sector."
The Speaker expressed hope that the award will encourage the Vice Chancellor's positive change in the university.

Wednesday 10 June 2015


      Izuchukwu Ubaka Adirika hails from Ojoto-Obofia in Idemili South L.G.A of Anambra State. He holds a diploma certificate in African & Asian Studies from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Currently, he is studying Mass Communication in the prestigious Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus. He is presently, the President of Adroit Youth Association {AYA}. He is a voracious reader, highly resourceful and keenly interested in writing. Added to his credits are inspirational articles written by him and has so far been published in magazines. He is a leader with vision of greatness who is much concerned with the development of the Nigerian youths towards living their life to its potentials in a much criticized environment.
‘The Roadmap To a Happy Life’ {2013} is his first published inspirational book.
‘Handling Criticism and Gossip’{2015} is his second inspirational book coming out soon.



Monday 8 June 2015

Health: Fact 6 amazing things your body will gain from NOT drinking diet soft drinks

Research has made a few interesting discoveries on the benefits of cutting down on soft drinks
For the longest time, health experts have warned about the dangers of consuming soda (or soft drinks as they're known in these parts).
From diabetes to cancer, a dozen and one reasons have been offered as to why we should cut down diet drinks from our diet. But what exactly does our body stand to gain from making such a cut?
Research has made a few interesting discoveries on this. Here are 8 things which researchers say the body will gain from cutting down on diet soft drinks.

  1. No more headaches: According to a review in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, chemicals that make up the artificial sweetener aspartame may have altered brain chemicals, nerve signals, and the brain's reward system, which leads to headaches, anxiety, and insomnia. Thus stoppage of soft drinks could lead to reduced headaches and better focus.
  2. Super sensitive taste buds: Notice how food seems all the tastier when accompanied with soft drinks? That's because artificial sweeteners in diet soda overwhelm the taste buds with an onslaught of sweetness. Moreso, brain scans show that diet soda alters sweet receptors in the brain and prolongs sugar cravings rather than satisfies them. So the next time you have a diet soda, think how you could be permanently altering your taste buds.
  3. You lose weight: For those on a weight loss journey, giving up soft drinks (especially diet soda) could be just the trick needed to shed those last stubborn kilos. A recent 9-year study found older adults who drank diet soda continued to pack on belly fat. Also, a study published in Diabetes Care  found drinking diet soft drinks daily was associated with an increase in metabolic syndrome.
  4. Your bones become stronger: While it is unclear why soft drinks have an effect on bones,  a 2014 study found that each daily soda increased the chance of hip fracture by 14% for postmenopausal women. Another found that older women who drank cola had lower bone mineral density in their hips.
  5. Kidney functions improve: With the kidney rid of the damaging content of diet soft drinks, it's better freed up to clear toxins, stabilize blood pressure, and absorb minerals. To buttress this, a study looked at 11 years of data and found that women who drank 2 or more servings of diet soda doubled their chances of declining kidney function.

Fun fact: You can hold your liquor better when you cut diet soda from your diet! As weird and seemingly out of place as this sounds, we thought to share this interesting fact with you. According to an Australian study in the American Journal of Medicine, diet soda gets one drunk faster and when you mix it with alcohol, your stomach empties out faster than if you used regular soda, causing a drastic increase in blood alcohol concentrations. So, for a more 'intoxicating' experience, lose the diet soda.

Davido Superstar's father created Music Department his son graduated from

The HKN act was the only graduating student from the department of Music which was created and funded by his father Adedeji Adeleke in 2013. 

Davido, the African pop star completed his educational ambition on Sunday, June 7, 2015 from the Babcock University.
The HKN act was the only graduating student from the department of Music which was created and funded by his father Adedeji Adeleke in 2013.
THE NET spoke to the Head of the Department Olusegun Ojuola who confirmed this. "Well, it’s really a long journey, because it’s through the help of Dr Deji Adeleke that the department was developed over three and half years ago. But we actually started admitting (students) in 2012."
There are currently twenty-seven students in the department. Davido's father helped establish the department so that his son could graduate while still pursuing his successful music career.
In a higher institution that does not allow its students have tattoos, Davido unsurprisingly got more tattoos during his stay in school.
Yesterday, the pop act revealed her graduated with a Second Class Upper, denying the reports that he graduated with a First Class in Music.

MERS; 8 things you should know about the deadly virus

So far, the disease has claimed 6 lives with 23 reported to have contracted the disease and over 2,000 people placed under quarantine.

In the last few of weeks, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has crept into headlines after reports emerged of an outbreak of the virus in South Korea.
So far, it has claimed 6 lives with 23 reported to have contracted the disease, and over 2,000 people placed under quarantine.
While MERS has remained largely in South Korea and China, this has been the largest outbreak of the disease outside the Middle East, where it was first discovered.
Here are 8 things you should know about MERS:

  1. An abbreviation for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, MERS is caused by a new type of coronavirus, which is a type of virus which causes common cold and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
  2. MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 (which was also where and when the first death was recorded)  by Egyptian virologist Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki. It is believed to have resulted from a zoonotic (animal) transmission although the exact source remains unclear.
  3. The virus appears to have originated in bats, spreading to camels in the 1990s before finally spreading to humans  in the early 2010s.
  4. Symptoms of MERS include a fever, cough and breathing difficulties, it can also cause pneumonia and kidney failure.
  5. This most recent outbreak was recorded in South Korea after  a man became infected during a business trip to Saudi Arabia. 6 people have died so far and over 23 people have contracted the disease, bringing the total number of cases to 87.
  6. MERS is transmitted from person to person and 36% of reported patients with the disease have died.
  7. There is no known cure for the disease.
  8. As of June 2015, MERS-CoV cases have been reported in over 20 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Turkey, Oman, Algeria, Bangladesh, Indonesia (none were confirmed), Austria, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the United States and China (both mainland and Hong Kong).

Muhammadu Buhari: President in Germany to present Nigeria’s ‘wish list’ to world leaders

Buhari arrived in Munich on Sunday, June 7, and was hosted, along with other world leaders, by the President of the Free State of Bavaria.

President Muhammadu Buhari is currently in Germany to attend the G7 summit set to begin on Monday, June 8, 2015.
Buhari arrived in Munich on Sunday, June 7, and was hosted, along with other world leaders, by the President of the Free State of Bavaria.
The President is set to present Nigeria’s wish list to the G7 leaders as earlier requested by the group.
This was disclosed via a statement released by Buhari’s media aide, Garba Shehu.
It reads:
“The President said he has used every opportunity at his disposal ahead of this meeting to discuss the country’s needs with specific reference to terrorism and development needs at person-to-person meetings and phone conversations with some of these leaders.”
“These development issues, many and varied as they are, touch on the economy, combating corruption, increased foreign direct investment, FDI; power and energy, infrastructure, environment, enhanced transparency in elections and good governance.”
“President Buhari announced that the leaders of the industrialized nations have shown a preparedness to work with Nigeria to help the country out of her problems. President Buhari will hold meetings on the sidelines with the host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the French President, Francois Hollande, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim.”
Also expected to be present at the summit are US President, Barack Obama and British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

Sani Abacha: 17 years later, Nigerians remember a dictator and a hero

Abacha died on June 8, 1988, at the Presidential Villa in Abuja after complaining of ill health early in the day.

It’s been exactly 17 years since late Nigerian dictator, Sani Abacha died in mysterious circumstances.
Abacha died on June 8, 1988, at the Presidential Villa in Abuja after complaining of ill health early in the day.
The official cause of death was listed as a heart attack but rumour had it that Abacha had spent the night in the company of two Indian prostitutes who poisoned him.
Most Nigerians remember him as the country’s most vicious leader but yet others have christened him a hero.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Davido Singer to host graduation party tonight

According to those who should know, the graduation party is scheduled to hold tonight to celebrate the singer's completion of his academic studies at Babcock University.
By 10PM on Sunday night, June 7, 2015, doors to Davido's graduation party would open for guests, friends and colleagues to party with the star singer.
it was gathered that close friends and members of the singer's HKN gang have put together a graduation party in honour of the award winning pop star tonight.
It was further gathered that the guests would be thronging in to Club 57 in Ikoyi for the singer's graduation party that would have in attendance Danagog, B-Red, Sina Rambo, Kamal Ajiboye and Adewale Adeleke amongst several others.
According to those who should know, the graduation party is scheduled to hold tonight to celebrate the singer's completion of his academic studies at Babcock University.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Arotiba, Oke, Akinboboye: What you must know about your teeth: Experts speak

The Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Professor Godwin Arotiba, said losing a tooth prematurely might have "serious’’ consequences.
Lagos Dentists have attributed the increasing rate of loss of teeth among adults to decay and gum diseases.
The Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Professor Godwin Arotiba, said losing a tooth prematurely might have "serious’’ consequences.
"If you lose a tooth, the consequences are minimal, but still can be serious because the adjacent and opposite teeth will tilt into the space and may affect the joint in front of the ear.
"But the effect of losing many teeth is aesthetic because it will affect the structure of the face, including your looks and that will definitely affect the way you feel.
"The psychological and social consequences of tooth loss can be profound, as it will affect speech, interaction with people, chewing, eating habits, thereby affecting general health,"  Arotiba told the NAN.
He urged Nigerians to replace any tooth or teeth lost with dentures or dental implants which had health-related advantages.
According to him, some of the advantages of dentures or dental implants include the absence of decay and gum disease.
Arotiba advised people to avoid risks that might lead to decay and gum diseases such as tobacco smoking and bad eating habits among others.
"People should have the habit of visiting the dentist if they suspect any tooth decay, a hole in the tooth or gum disease for appropriate steps to be taken in order to have a healthy teeth.’’
Also speaking, Prof. Gbemisola Oke, a Consultant Dental Surgeon, University of Ibadan, also told NAN that many Nigerians often lose their teeth, but that the pattern of loss differs between the affluent and the rural dwellers.
"While the affluent will lose their teeth, particularly the first molar to decay, the rural ones will probably lose the same teeth or the front teeth to gum disease,’’ she said.
Oke said that Nigerians are still better than their counterparts in other developed countries in terms of decay.
"Essentially because our own diets do not contain much sugar, therefore, loss of tooth as a result of tooth decay appears to be less than those in the industrialised countries.’’
The professor also stressed that gum disease has remained a problem in Nigeria, noting that it has become pervasive as virtually everybody will suffer from one form of infection or the other.
According to Oke, if gum disease is left untreated for a long period of time, it will result to tooth loss.
She urged people to use toothpastes that contain fluoride as it helped in the reduction of tooth decay and maintenance of good oral hygiene.
A consultant at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Dr Bolanle Akinboboye, said the life expectancy of teeth in Nigeria was still high.
Akinboboye said: "There has been no general survey on missing teeth in the country recently.
"But surveys done in the past show that many elderly and people in their 30s still have more than 20 teeth in their mouths.
"This is encouraging, but still people need to cultivate the habit of visiting the dentists at least twice in a year for a well maintained oral health throughout their life time."

Friday 5 June 2015

God Is Great: 56-yr-old woman gives birth to twins after 31 years of barrenness

A woman who had been barren for 31 years has been blessed with twin children at the age of 56.
A 56-year-old woman who has been married for 31 years without a fruit of the womb now has reason to thank God as she was delivered of a set of twin children after many had written her off.
The woman, according to her relatives, had been abandoned by her husband's family who thought she could never bear children but with patience and at God's appointed time, she was delivered of her bouncing babies, 'to the shame' of those who had written her off.
One of her nieces who goes by name Oyin, who goes by the Twitter handle, Kay Tyler, took to the social media to break the news that 'with God, all things are possible.'

Nnamdi Azikwe University: 120 Varsity students receive benefit from scholarship scheme

N50,000 to each of the 120 students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University who were beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme instituted by the senator representing Anambra South senatorial zone,
Disbursement of N50,000 to each of the 120 students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University who were beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme instituted by the senator representing Anambra South senatorial zone, Dr. Andy Uba, has begun, with the beneficiaries shedding tears of joy and praising the senator for the gesture.

Beneficiaries of Senator Andy Uba scholarship scheme from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UNIZIK with officials of the scheme
The handing over of the cash to the students began last month at the Awka campus of the university and it was the turn of the beneficiaries in the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences of the university last week. At that occasion,18 students received their cash from the dean of the faculty, Dr. Uzochukwu Ikemefuna.
Beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme, according to the stipulated condition, were students whose cumulative point grades were four points and above and for one to continue to enjoy the scheme, the student must sustain the grade throughout his stay in the university, otherwise it would be given to another person.
Two officials of Senator Andy Uba Foundation, Dr. Charles Nweke, who is a director in the foundation, and Professor Alex Asigbo, coordinator, were on hand to ensure that the money was actually handed over to the rightful beneficiaries. According to Nweke, the scholarship was to enable the students pay their school fees and attend to other financial problems.
Fortunately for the beneficiaries, the school fees in UNIZIK are far below the worth of the scholarship. For instance, school fees paid by students in the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences is about N30,000, which means that they have some money to attend to their other needs after paying the official fee.
Coordinator of the Foundation, Professor Asigbo said it was not the intention of the senator to use the scholarship scheme to advance his political career, adding that it was for that reason that he decided not to make the disbursement to the benefiriaries of the scholarship scheme during political campaigns.
He added that Senator Uba’s interest in the welfare of students in the state would not end with Anambra South senatorial zone, adding that he would ultimately extend it to the other two senatorial zones of Anambra North and Anambra Central and to other tertiary institutions in the state. He also recalled that Senator Uba single-handedly built the magnificent Mass Communication building of Nnamdi Azikiwe University and had been assisting in the general development of education in Anambra State.
Two of the beneficiaries, Mr. Peter Muchie and Miss Chinelo Okafor commended the senator for the gesture, noting that many of them never believed it would be a reality when they applied for the scholarship scheme.
Muchie, a 400 –level student from Nanka in Orumba North North Local Government said: “When I applied for the scholarship, I never knew it would turn out to be real, considering my experience in applying for other advertized scholarships. My joy, therefore, knew no bounds when I received the message that I was among the winners.
“My prayer is that God would continue to give the senator the wherewithal to continue to service the scheme because investment in human being is the greatest investment one can make.” To Miss Okafor from Azia in Ihiala Local Government Area, the money would surely reduce the burden on her family and she prayed that other wealthy Nigerians would emulate Senator Uba.

Muhammadu Buhari: House of Reps grant President's request to appoint 15 advisers

The motion was passed in a unanimous voice vote.
The House of Representatives has given President Muhammadu Buhari the go ahead to appoint 15 special advisers.
The House granted the request on Thursday, June 4, following the President’s letter, requesting approval to appoint the advisers to help him discharge his functions.
The House Majority Leader, Mulikat Akande-Adeola, moved the motion seeking the House’ approval at a session presided over by the Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha.
She noted that the President’s request and the subsequent approval granted by the House complied with the provisions of Sections 151(1) and 151(2) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).
The motion was passed in a unanimous voice vote.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

UNN Emergency Closure: Several students feared killed in ghastly road crash, management blamed

Students are blaming the management of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) for the tragic death of their colleagues who were involved in a ghastly road crash on Tuesday evening.

Several students of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, (UNN) have died in a multiple road crash on Tuesday evening.
The accident, which occurred along the Nsukka-9th Mile Expressway, involved a diesel truck, two commercial buses and a motorcycle.
Eye-witnesses say the UNN students who died were travelling home following a Monday directive by the institution's management that they should vacate the institution within 24 hours.
But the spokesman of the Enugu State Police Command, DSP Ebere Amaraizu, in a Tuesday statement said there were three fatalities and some injured victims
"Three persons have been confirmed dead while five others sustained various degrees of injuries," Amaraizu said.
"The auto crash, involves a diesel truck with registration number AWK 311 XB, which is believed to have lost control as a result of suspected brake failure and had hit two buses with registration numbers UWN 406 XA and UWN 57 XA and also a motorcycle.
“The injured are being attended to at our Saviour Hospital, 9th Mile corner Ngwo, while the dead bodies are also deposited at the same hospital mortuary”.
On Monday, UNN's Chief Public Relations Officer, Okwun Omeaku, had issued a statement asking students to vacate the institution within 24 hours for a two-week break.
“Students are by this notice directed to vacate their hostels within the next 24 HOURS, i.e., not later than 6pm. on TUESDAY, JUNE 02, 2015," he said.
Following the accident, students are blaming the management.
One of them quoted in a Daily Post report said the accident was caused by the directive.
“It was very sad to see our fellow students die like that; we were chased out of school and now they have also been forced out of the world," he said.
"This would not have occurred if we were not ordered out of school".
It was gathered that the student closure was done to forestall students' riot after weeks of acute water scarcity and epileptic power supply.

Morning Inspiration: 7 most common self-deprecating things you say that shouldn't be said at all

These things slowly take away your self-confidence which is why we should be very careful of words describing ourselves that leave our mouths
Sometime we say some self-deprecating things about ourselves that should be stopped. We tend to criticise ourselves especially looks, ability to achieve stuffs, comparing ourselves to someone else.
These things slowly take away your self-confidence which is why we should be very careful of words describing ourselves that leave our mouths.
Allison Bryant of All Women Stalk lists 7 phrases you should never use about yourself
  1. I look so fat: If you're always criticising your own body, then stop, especially if you compare yourself unfavourably to others. Start cultivating a healthier body image instead. You probably don't have fat legs or a big butt, whatever you think. And if you really do need to lose some #weight for the sake of your health, get working on it. But don't be rude about your own #body.
  2. I'm not good enough: Do you think you don't deserve a promotion, success in life, or a partner? Stop thinking you're not good enough. Your boss thinks you deserved that promotion, you've earned your success, and your #partner loves you. Of course you're a worthwhile person who deserves what they have!
  3. Don't worry about me: You might tell someone not to worry about you for the best of reasons; not wanting them to be anxious. But of course they're going to worry about you - they care about you! Telling someone not to worry suggests that you're not worth caring about, so don't be a martyr and imply that you're not.
  4. Anyone could have done it: No they couldn't! Other #people might have been able to produce a similar achievement, or one of equal merit, but they couldn't do exactly what you've done. That's your achievement, so be proud of it. We Brits are particularly good at doing down our own successes and making out they're nothing at all. So if you find yourself doing that, start being proud of yourself instead.
  5. I'll never be as good as...: Okay, stop with the negative comparisons! Maybe you won't be as wealthy or successful as someone else. We can't all be as rich as Bill Gates. But money really isn't #everything, and there are other things that are just as important (or more so) than material success. And being negative about yourself is setting yourself up for unhappiness.
  6. I always mess things up: Look, we all make mistakes. Remind yourself that you're going to get things wrong sometimes. Nobody's perfect! So don't beat yourself up about what you've got wrong in the past. You can't change things that have already happened, so concentrate on getting #things right in the future.
  7. I don't think I can do it: If you don't have any faith in yourself, how do you expect anyone else to? Sometimes it's better to try and fail than never try at all. If you're asked to do something that you're not confident about, work out how you can increase your chances of success, asking for help and advice if necessary. You might just be surprised at what you can achieve if you try.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Morning Inspiration: Having self-esteem issues? Here are 7 bad habits slowly destroying you

There are certain things that shouldn't cross your mind - not even for a minute, and if they do, you have to get rid of those habits as quickly as possible because they slowly drain you of every drop of happiness within you
If you really want to live happily, there are certain things that shouldn't cross your mind - not even for a minute. And if they do, you have to get rid of those habits as quickly as possible because they slowly drain you of every drop of happiness within you, leaving you of feeling miserable and sorry for yourself.
But if you can't achieve this, you should know the root cause of your unhappiness.
Valencia Higuera of All Women Stalk lists unhealthy habits destroying your happiness.
  1. Stop thinking you are not good enough: Telling yourself you're not good enough is one of the fastest ways to kill your happiness. In life, you're your biggest cheerleader. Don't rely on others to boost your self-esteem. Give yourself more #credit and stop being so hard on yourself. Whether you're applying for a job, thinking about furthering your education or taking another big step, know that success is possible.
  2. Avoid saying 'Yes' when you actually mean 'No': Being a "yes #man" or woman can add to your stress level and make your life harder. It's okay to assist others, but you'll need to set limits or else you'll drive yourself crazy trying to please everyone, including friends and family. You might start to feel overwhelmed, which can kill happiness. Only say yes if you mean it.
  3. Don't worry about things you can't control: If you want to be happy, you have to learn acceptance. Bad or unpleasant #things will happen in life, and sometimes, you can't control the outcome. It's wise to find solutions to your problems, but it's even wiser to accept situations you can't change. Stress and worrying can steal your happiness and leave you feeling frustrated, depressed or confused.
  4. Get a new group of friends: You need to surround yourself with positive people. If you're trying to be happy, the last thing you need is negative talk from #people in your inner circle. Whether these individuals put you down or simply complain non-stop about life, their behavior can have a tremendous impact on your happiness. We often imitate the company we keep. So another person's negative viewpoint might rub off on you.
  5. Don't compare yourself to others: Comparing yourself to others can also steal your joy and happiness. Some #people will earn more money than you and have more privileges than you. This doesn't mean you're a failure or not working hard enough. Comparisons often leave us disappointed. So fight the urge, especially if you're doing the best you can. Besides, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. A friend may have more than you materially, but you might exceed her in other areas.
  6. Stop being a perfectionist and let yourself make mistakes: We're not created perfect, so stop trying to be perfect. There's nothing wrong with hard work and giving your all. But if you become a perfectionist and you're never satisfied with your own work, you might set your expectations too high, and then become irrationally upset with the outcome.
  7. Learn how to let go of the past: It's challenging to let go of hurt feelings and forgive others. But if you hold onto the past, you can become angry and unhappy. You deserve better. You can't change the past, but you can forgive, move forward and enjoy a measure of peace.