Sunday 1 November 2015

Evergist Greetings!

May God bless you
with happiness
and joy which
you missed in the
last month.
May you be highly favoured
Happy New Month Beloved!

Friday 30 October 2015

Today's Inspiration:Find out Your Inner Confidence Through Skills You Already Love

Passion and doing something really well are inseparable lovers. When you’ve crafted something into exquisite refinement, passion effortlessly flows from it.
That’s my experience playing music, writing book and blogging at least. But it wasn’t always that way.
This didn’t happen overnight. It took me about six years to become “pretty good.” There were eureka moments along the way where I took larger steps.
Eventually, with deliberate effort, I knew enough to feel comfortable teaching others.
Have you ever tried to learn a new skill? Hard work, isn’t it? It takes effort and time. Unless you’re a genius. And I’ve met very few of those.

Start with What You’re Proud Of

Write down ten skills you’re proud of. I know it sounds like a lot, but ten is the magic number. Use language that expresses your pride deeply.
Writing skills, Make up skills, Designing skills and lots more..
For example, I am proud that I can:
  1. Play sweet sounds on the Keyboard
  2. Write well-researched inspiring blog posts that can help people be the best they can.
  3. Sing
  4. Co-ordinate group or an organization with a better social interaction.
  5. Teach People how to become self employed
  6. Organize my time to be amazingly productive
    [ugh…this is getting hard…]
  7. Read one book every week
  8. Study academic papers and distill the key points
  9. Play sweet sounds on the Bass
  10. Cook delicious, healthy meals that nourish my family
Your turn! Do this exercise. It’s an important first step.
After all, how can you work on something new, like building supreme confidence, without knowing what worked for you in the past?
Next, read the list out loud. Mentally reinforce your exceptional skills. When you’re struggling or trying to master a new skill, read it again. These are your reminders that mastery is possible.

You Can Master Anything; the Skinny on Accelerated Learning

In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell suggested that, with 10,000 hours of practice, anybody could become a world-class expert in any skill. He cited an academic article in Psychological Review titled, “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance.”
In the article, the authors found that:
“The differences between expert performers and normal adults reflect a life-long period of deliberate effort to improve performance in a specific domain.”
Gladwell admitted that this doesn’t apply to skills that require genetic ability, like sports. But it works like a champ for everyday skills.
Also, how you practice makes a huge difference.
Therefore, we can say that repeatedly taking the right actions to improve performance will make you much better at a skill.
Here’s the formula for mastering a skill:
  1. Identify what to work on—by seeking out experts.
  2. Identify how to work on these—see same experts.
  3. Put in deliberate, consistent effort—by carving out the time and developing habits.
Question: How do I seek out experts (steps 1 and 2)?
It’s the twenty-first century, my friend! Use the Internet—eBooks, blogs, podcasts, webinars. Or go traditional with paper books and conferences. Seek and ye shall find.
Question: How do I put in deliberate, consistent effort (step 3)?
In her book Everybody Writes, Ann Handley says that practicing thirty minutes each day is much more effective than practicing for four straight hours. If you do the math, that’s 210 minutes spread out over a week vs. 240 minutes in one sitting. Less time? I’ll take that any day.
Go ahead and schedule daily time on your calendar and use an automatic reminder. Even if it’s just fifteen minutes every day. Focus on only the one skill during those fifteen minutes. You will progress rapidly from amateur to ace.

What Are You Waiting For? Discover Your Inner Confidence!

I get wonderfully lost in the moment when I’m on stage. I’m relaxed. I’m having the time of my life. But a few years back, if you asked me to stop playing keyboard and say a few words to the audience? {Silence} {Heart beating faster} {Sweat, anxiety, palpitations}
I couldn’t do it!
Like almost everybody with a pulse, I was afraid of public speaking.
I realized that, to pursue better opportunities, to network with people who could help me, and to portray myself as a true professional, I needed to be more confident.
First thought: “Nah, I’m an introverted, socially awkward engineer. Not gonna happen.”
…a few minutes go by as I ponder my continued stagnation…
Second thought: “Hmm. How will I know unless I try? Let’s do this!”
At that point, I decided to take up a new skill: the skill of confidence.
I read books and blogs on speaking and influence, joined Toastmasters, attended public speaking conferences, and volunteered for small leadership positions.

When you practice a skill, it becomes your passion. You start connecting with others, who respond with deep, meaningful emotion.
You’ve arrived at artistry—the ultimate in human expression.
Okay, enough daydreaming! Go forth use your inner confidence to develop outer confidence:
  • Look at your list of already-mastered skills to get motivated.
  • Identify a new skill to master, like confidence.
  • Seek out experts (online, books, podcasts, webinars, conferences).
  • Develop a fifteen-plus minute daily habit of working on the skill.
  • Conquer the skill.
Did you try the exercises? Are you excited about your journey toward mastery of a new skill?

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Today's Inspiration: Changes to Make in Your 20s that Your 30s Self Will Thank You For

When we are in our 20s, everything seems possible. These years exist for making mistakes, learning from them, and bridging yourself into a fully-adult life. Your 20s are also a time to develop good habits (and resist bad ones) until your older self cements them into place.
Do these things, and you’ll be a happier, healthier person when 30 rolls around:

1. Don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams.

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect” – Unknown
There is no better time for finding and focusing on your passions than in your 20s. The way you channel your efforts now will influence how you spend the rest of your life.
You will probably never have as much motivation and vital energy to succeed as when you are young. With few obligations yet (such as mortgages or families) to slow you down, there’s no reason not to pursue your dreams.
Don’t let your own mind limit you.

2. Spend your time wisely.

“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.” ­– Unknown
When we are in our early 20s, we feel like we have an unlimited amount of time ahead of us. In fact, time is passing fast. Remember – the only thing you can never buy back is your youth. Don’t waste your time on worthless activities or by following career paths you don’t enjoy.
Value your time. What you do in your 20s—the education you pursue, the skills you acquire, and the contacts you make—are the best capital you could even gain for your future.

3. Exercise and eat well.

“Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.“  Lao Tzu
Your body will “send you a bill” for the trash foods you eat, the fitness classes you skip, your long nights of partying, and your long days of stressful work. Treat your body as your biggest investment and take care of it.
Experiment with many physical activities and discover your favorites; you’re more likely to maintain an exercise habit if you enjoy your workouts.
Don’t try to save money by neglecting your health. Nourish yourself with fresh and healthy foods and do whatever you must to keep a regular workout schedule. It’s way better to spend fifty bucks on a quality gym membership than drinks on Friday night.

4. Stop smoking.

“Smoking isn’t sexy.“ – Wingman Magazine
There is no rational reason to smoke; quit as soon as you can. Researchers have shown that smoking is harmful at any age. However, if you stop smoking before age 35, you can still live a long life and enjoy a better quality of life in middle age.

5. Develop good sleeping patterns.

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.“ – Sydney J. Harris
Your 20s body regenerates faster than it will in later decades. It’s tempting to squeeze too many activities into your day and neglect your sleep—finally oversleeping when you have the chance.
Over the long term, such an irregular sleeping cycle reduces the quality of your sleep and speeds up the aging process. Make a habit of keeping a regular bedtime; stick to your evening and morning routines as often as you can.

6. Spend your money wisely.

“Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more.“ – Jack Benny
On a crazy party night, it’s easy to spend too much on alcohol, greasy food, drugs, and late-night taxies. Do you really want to burn your money on these unnecessary and toxic things? Your money is your time – your precious life. You’ve traded your efforts for these dollars; think carefully before throwing them away.
Save and invest your money. The earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to accrue interest.

7. Accept your imperfections.

“Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.“ – Unknown
No matter how much you try, you will never be perfect. “Perfect” doesn’t exist. Researchers have shown that accepting your vulnerabilities is the key to inner happiness. Don’t dwell on your past mistakes; learn from them and move ahead.
Don’t be unnecessary harsh on yourself; instead, use your energy to avoid repeating these mistakes in the future.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others.

“True happiness is when you are living your life without waiting for anyone’s approval.” – Unknown
The sooner you embrace your uniqueness and the differences between you and others, the happier you will be. Comparing yourself to those around you is pointless because everyone’s life goes at a different pace.

9. Stop trying to please everyone.

 “Focus on loving yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you.” – Unknown
Society has conditioned us to habitually try to please everyone around us. We want to fulfil our parents’ expectations, impress our schoolteachers, be accepted by our peers, and be liked at work. However, It’s not healthy to care so much about what others think.
Learn to surround yourself with people who accept you and like you for who you are. You don’t have time for people who try to change you or reframe you. Invest your time and energy wisely in a good group of friends!

10. Learn to be happy.

“Happiness is not having what you want. It is appreciating what you have.” – Unknown
Happiness is a choice you make everyday. It’s the habit of maintaining a positive attitude towards the reality around you. Learn to appreciate what you have and always look at the positive side of things.
Research suggests that appreciating what you have can increase happiness and decrease negative feelings.
Don’t postpone your happiness to a moment in the future; life is all about enjoying the journey!

Buhari Ministerial List:Senate Screens 8 nominees today, October 20

The upper legislative chamber has so far screened 18 out of President Muhammadu Buhari’s 36 ministerial candidates.
Those to be screened today are:
  1. Rotimi Amaechi (Rivers)
  2. Khadijah Abba-Ibrahim (Yobe)
  3. Brig-Gen. Mansur Dan Ali, retd (Zamfara)
  4. James E. Ocholi (Kogi)
  5. Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed (Kaduna)
  6. Barrister Adebayo Shittu (Oyo)
  7. Heineken Lokpobiri (Bayelsa)
  8. Abubakar Bwari Bawa (Niger)

Monday 19 October 2015

Appeal Court adjourns Saraki’s case indefinitely

The appeal by Senate President, Bukola Saraki against the jurisdiction of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), to try him over alleged false declaration of assets, was on Monday, adjourned indefinitely by the Appeal Court, sitting in Abuja.
Recall that Saraki is challenging the legal propriety of the 13-count criminal charge the Federal Government preferred against him before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT.
He had also gone before the appellate court to query the constitutionality of the warrant of arrest earlier issued against him by chairman of the CCT, Justice Danladi Umar.
Besides, the embattled Senate President, through his team of lawyers led by a former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Mr. J.B. Daudu, SAN, wanted the higher court to ascertain whether the Justice Umar-led panel subscribed to the appropriate legal procedure when it ordered him to mount the dock and enter his plea to the charge despite preliminary objections against his trial.

Inspiring Story: The Villager and the Happy Man

In a small village, in the valley, lived a man who was always happy, kind, and well disposed to everyone he met. He always smiled, and had kind and encouraging words to say, whenever it was necessary. Everyone who met him, left feeling better, happier and elated. People knew they could count on him, and regarded him as a great friend.
One of the village dwellers was curious to know what his secret was, and how he could always be so kind and helpful. He wondered, how is it that he held no grudge toward anyone, and always was happy.
Once, upon meeting him in the street he asked him: "Most people are selfish and unsatisfied. They do not smile as often as you do; neither are they as helpful or kind as you are. How do you explain it?"
The man smiled at him and replied, "When you make peace with yourself, you can be in peace with the rest of the world. If you can recognize the spirit in yourself, you can recognize the spirit in everyone, and then you find it natural to be kind and well disposed to all. If your thoughts are under your control, you become strong and firm. The personality is like a robot programmed to do certain tasks. Your habits and thoughts are the tools and programs that control your personality. Become free from being programmed, and then the inner good and the happiness that reside within you will be revealed."
"But a lot of work is necessary. Good habits have to be developed. The ability to concentrate and to control the thoughts has to be strengthened. The work is difficult and endless. There are many walls that need to be to climbed. It is not an easy task." Lamented the villager.
"Do not think about the difficulties, otherwise this is what you will see and experience. Just quieten your feelings and thoughts, and try to stay in this peace. Just try to be calm, and do not let yourself be carried away by your thoughts."
"Is that all?" Asked the villager.
"Try to watch your thoughts and see how they come and go. Stay in the quietness that arises. The moments of peace will be brief at first, but in time they will get longer. This peace is also strength, power, kindness, and love. In time, you will realize that you are one with the Universal Power, and this will lead you to act from a different dimension - point of view -consciousness, not from the selfish, small, limited ego."
"I will try to remember your words," said the villager, and continued, "there is another thing that I am curious about. You do not seem to be influenced by the environment. You have a kind word for everyone, and you are helpful. People treat you well, and never exploit your goodness."
"Being good and being kind do not necessarily point to weakness. When you are good, you can also be strong. People sense your inner strength, and therefore, do not impose on you. When you are strong and calm inside, you help people, because you can, and you want to. You act from strength, not from weakness. Goodness is not a sign of weakness, as some people erroneously think. It can manifest together with power and strength."
"Thank you very much for your advice and explanations", said the villager, and went away happy and satisfied.
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Sunday 18 October 2015

Today's Inspiration: Simple Daily Habits for a Happier Life

“Hug harder. Laugh louder. Smile bigger. Love longer.” ~Unknown
Did you ever have it all mixed up?
Happiness, I mean. I once thought that a university degree and good grades would make me happy. I thought that traveling the world would leave me feeling fulfilled. .
They all did, but only for a while. They always came with an expiration date.
Finally, I had to stop and ask myself, “If I’m not able to be truly happy now, will I ever be?” If I couldn’t appreciate everything I already had in my life, would more really be the answer?
Then I thought, “If happiness is what I want, why not take a shortcut and go there directly?”
So, I did. I stopped putting it on hold. I stopped allowing external circumstances to dictate how I felt. And I stopped relying on illusionary destinations of promised happiness and bliss.
What I realized is that happiness doesn’t happen by chance–it happens by choice. It’s a skill that anyone can develop with the right habits.

19 Happiness Habits That Could Change Your Life

1. Appreciate more.

This morning I woke up feeling appreciative of my bed, my incredible siblings, and my mom for being the rock in my life. Appreciation feeds happiness. It highlights and gives value to what matters in our life. And the more you appreciate, the more you’ll find things to be appreciative of.
When waking up and going to sleep, remind yourself of three things you currently appreciate in your life.

2. Energize yourself every morning.

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. A good morning routine leaves you feeling centered, energized, and ready to take on the world.
Meditate, do yoga, write a list of everything you love, watch inspirational YouTube videos, or listen to your favorite song before leaving the house. Simply, set yourself up for a great day!

3. Practice acceptance.

Things don’t always go as planned. I used to get frustrated when plans changed or when the bus arrived late. But resisting never changed anything; instead, it just sent me into a downward spiral. When I started accepting whatever happened, I relieved myself from unnecessary suffering.
Start practicing acceptance. Adjust to the new situation, without fueling it with negative emotions.

4. Live in the present.

This is where it all happens, the present moment. It’s the only place where you can experience happiness (or anything else for that matter). It’s the only place worth being. It might sound obvious, but realizing this was life changing for me. In the present I think better, feel better, and act better.
Whenever you enter a new place, use your five senses—sound, sight, touch, smell and taste—to find more nowness.

5. Listen attentively.

Listen with focus and compassion. Give people the gift of your full attention. This is a powerful source of happiness, as it creates strong bonds between people and places you in the now.
Whether it’s your colleague, partner, or a complete stranger on the street, decide to be more present in all your conversations.

6. Save money to invest in memories.

Material things might satisfy us short term, but experiences are what makes us happy long term. For the past year I’ve barely bought anything new. Instead, I’ve used that money to travel. Just thinking about the beach parties in the Caribbean, those sunny days in Central Park, and that festival in Ibiza puts a ridiculously big smile on my face.
Buy only things you need or fall head-over-heels in love with. Then, use that extra money for experiences that will make you go “Aaah,” “Ohhh,” and “Wow” when you think back of them.

7. Make new friends.

Many of us stop making friends after the age of twenty. Make new friends and you’ll grow as a person, be exposed to new experiences, and have a rich social life.
Have a friendly conversation with a stranger and maybe you make a new friend. Maybe it’s for five minutes, or maybe it’s for a lifetime.

8. Dream big.

Dreams are good; they propel us forward. They enliven our heart, awaken our mind, and give us reasons for living. Allow yourself to dream big and trust that it can become a reality for you.
Dedicate at least five minutes every day to be swept into your dream life. Make it as real as possible: visualize and create the feelings of being, doing and having all that you want.

9. Take steps toward your dream.

Now, does your present look like the future you’re dreaming of? If not, put more time and energy on what you want to see grow.
Take small steps every day to elevate you toward what you want. Tiny steps all add up.

10. Develop a mindset of abundance, not scarcity.

How we experience the world depends solely on our perception of it. When you live in lack, you protect and hoard. When you give away, you signal that you have more than enough for yourself.
Don’t feel like you get enough love? Give love to someone else. Don’t feel like you make enough money? Give money to someone else in need.

11. Take time to re-charge.

Even though we live in a society that fosters us to do more, be more, give more, and have more, we need time to re-charge. We need to fuel ourselves with energy. Take short breaks, and why not a power nap?
What doesn’t get planned usually doesn’t get done, so make sure to plan for downtime.

12. Make time to play.

Living isn’t a duty. You didn’t come here to fix something that’s broken or to complete a to-do list. You came for the fun of it, for the exhilaration and magic of being alive.
Set aside at least fifteen minutes every day for fun-time and make that time non-negotiable.

13. Be around happy people.

Attitudes are contagious. If someone’s smiling at you, you’ll probably smile. If someone is rude, then you’ll probably be rude back. Only hang out with people whose attitude you want to catch.
If happy people aren’t near, go online and watch videos with awesome-attitude people.

14. Move slowly.

Lao Tzu said, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Faster doesn’t mean better. Busier doesn’t mean exceeding. Don’t rush through life.
Slow down. Put your heart and energy into what you’re doing and focus on that (and only that).

15. Actively soothe yourself.

What matters isn’t what happens in our lives, but how we choose to deal with it. To make better decisions, we need to become our own lifeguard and sooth ourselves from negative thoughts.
When I feel bad I usually go running, meditate, or write a list of everything I love about my life. Practice different techniques until you find some that work for you.

16. Let go.

Letting go isn’t always easy, but it’s the only way new and better things can come along. When we let go of something, we come to a peace of mind. The struggle is over and new ideas and perspectives can begin to open up.
Practice letting go of what doesn’t serve you, such as complaining, comparing yourself to others, negativity, and mistakes from the past or worries about the future.

17. Forgive often.

Maybe someone was late, maybe someone was rude, or maybe someone forgot to call you back. Forgiveness doesn’t excuse behavior; it frees you from it. It releases resentment and other negative emotions tied to a person or a situation.
Make a habit of forgiving people, even for the smallest of things.

18. Attend to the real world.

Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are constantly screaming for our attention to the world of social media. The digital world is supposed to be a complement to our real life, not the other way around.
So, take time to be present where you physically are (the Facebook status update can wait).

19. Care for yourself.

Our body, mind, and soul are connected. Make a change in one of them and you change the state of all three. Isn’t that nice to know?
Do something every day to improve your overall state of well-being, such as preparing a good meal, exercising, or watching a good movie. And know that caring for yourself is caring for the world.

Claim Your Happiness Once And For All

Not being in charge of your happiness is frustrating. Relying on external events and circumstances to be in a certain way in order to feel good is a recipe for misery. Because, when life doesn’t go as planned or things fall apart, so does our happiness.
Happiness isn’t about having all the pieces in place. It isn’t about having a problem-free life or reaching a certain goal or objective. Instead, it’s about being able to enjoy where you are, no matter what.
Don’t leave your happiness to chance. Choose to claim it. Live the life you deserve to live.
Happy Sunday!

Celebrity Birthday: Happy Birthday To Mr Ibu

The famous comedian  rose to fame when he acted in the 2004 comic movie ‘Mr Ibu’ which earned him his acclaimed stage name.
Today is the birthday of Nollywood  actor and comedian John Okafor popularly known as Mr Ibu
He turns 54 today.
Comic character Mr Ibu was born in Enugu on October 17, 1961 He studied Mass Communication at the Institute of Management in Enugu.
He later rose to fame when he acted in the 2004 comic movie ‘Mr Ibu’ which earned him his acclaimed stage name.
His humorous acting is often characterised by stupidity, hilarious imbecility and a sharp disconnection from reality.
Happy birthday to Mr Ibu!

Saturday 17 October 2015

Today's Inspiration: Loving Things You Must Tell Yourself Today...

When I was a kid, an authority figure once told me, “If I was your age, I wouldn’t be your friend.”
I tried to act like I didn’t care so I wouldn’t give that person the satisfaction of knowing how deeply they hurt me.
But it hit me hard, and it stayed with me for years. Someone who was supposed to like me didn’t, so why would anyone else ever love me?
There was something fundamentally wrong with me. And I wasn’t good enough at anything I did. Even when I did my best, I was never the best, so that meant I was a failure.
These beliefs guided my childhood and adolescence. When I got to adulthood, I frequently sabotaged relationships thinking, “They won’t want to spend time with me. Why would they? I wouldn’t if I were them.”
And I regularly overextended myself, only to beat myself up when I inevitably failed at juggling far more than any one person should have to carry.
The voice in my head was callous and cruel. It took me years to realize it wasn’t even mine.
Growing up, many of us heard more about what we were doing wrong than what we were doing right (from people who had the same experience growing up). And for a lot of us, there were more punishments than rewards, at home and in school.
It makes sense, then, that so many of us grew into anxious, insecure adolescents, and then matured into fearful, self-doubting adults.
But we’re not kids anymore, and we know better now than to believe everything we’re told.
More importantly, we don’t have to continue hurting and criticizing ourselves. We don’t have to bully ourselves over our perceived shortcomings. We can stop the cycle.
We all have the power, every day, to give ourselves the same kind of love and support we’d want from other people. In fact, it’s a prerequisite to getting love and support from others, because we’re only ever open to receiving what we believe we deserve. We all deserve to hear these things—from others and ourselves:
1. I love you just the way you are.
2. When you need something to believe in, start with yourself.
3. I’ll always be here for you. I love you unconditionally.
4. You deserve to be happy.
5. You look beautiful.
6. Don’t be afraid—you are good enough.
7. I believe you are very capable of taking care of yourself, with or without someone else to take care of you.
8. Anything you can imagine is possible. The only thing to fear is fear itself.
9. Everything will be okay. Even if its not, it will be.
10. You are enough as you are.
11. You are an individual and are perfect the way you are now.
12. You can do anything you set your mind to.
13. It’s okay to make a mistake.
14. I believe in you.
15. You tried—that’s good enough.
16. I’m proud of you.
17. You don’t need permission from anyone to dream and explore your interests and passions.
18. You have a beautiful soul.
19. You are safe.
20. You’re doing great.
21. You can do anything.
22. I want the best for you.
23. You’re handling it beautifully.
24. You are awesome, kid.
25. I love and accept you no matter what.
Imagine what the world would be like if we all told ourselves these things every day.
Imagine a world full of people who believe in themselves, encourage themselves, and forgive themselves for their mistakes.
Imagine a world full of people who speak to themselves kindly and look in the mirror and see nothing but love—and then take the positive, loving energy into their interactions with others.
I’d like to be part of that world. And I know it starts with me—and you

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Evergist Frontpage: Here comes today's newspaper headlines [Wednesday, October 14, 2015]

Find out what is making headlines all over the country from the covers of The Punch, Vanguard, The Guardian and more.

Evergist brings you front page stories from Nigeria’s leading newspapers on a day-to-day basis.
Find out what is making headlines all over the country from the covers of The Punch, Vanguard, The Guardian and more.
For today, Wednesday, October 14, 2015:

Ministerial list: Senate screens Fayemi, Onu, Dambazau, Usman Jibril, Ogbeh, Udoma, 4 others
The Nigerian Senate is set to continue screening President Muhammadu Buhari’s ministerial nominees on October 14, 2015, after interviewing 10 of them on Tuesday, 13. READ MORE…
40 robbers raid, loot 2 banks in Lagos
No fewer than forty heavily armed robbers, yesterday morning, invaded two second generation banks in 4th Avenue, Festac area of Lagos state and carted away huge sums of money
Drama as Senate screens Fayemi, Dambazau, 8 others
The Nigerian Senate is set to continue screening President Muhammadu Buhari’s ministerial nominees on October 14, 2015, after interviewing 10 of them on Tuesday, 13. READ MORE

17 suspected killers of Disu arraigned
An Ebute-Metta Magistrate Court on Tuesday granted the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) leave to remand in custody, 17 suspects held in connection with the killing of the Managing Director, Lekki Free Trade Zone, Tajudeen Disu. READ MORE…

Robbers in military uniform loot Lagos banks
No fewer than forty heavily armed robbers, yesterday morning, invaded two second generation banks in 4th Avenue, Festac area of Lagos state and carted away huge sums of money.

Elite collude to steal Nigeria’s resources – Osinbajo
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo on Tuesday lampooned the Nigerian elite, saying irrespective of where they came from, they were united in stealing government resources.
President Buhari’s cabinet nominees set agenda
The Nigerian Senate is set to continue screening President Muhammadu Buhari’s ministerial nominees on October 14, 2015, after interviewing 10 of them on Tuesday, 13. READ MORE…
Senate screens 10 ministerial nominees as Saraki announces new list
The Nigerian Senate is set to continue screening President Muhammadu Buhari’s ministerial nominees on October 14, 2015, after interviewing 10 of them on Tuesday, 13. READ MORE…

US considers visa ban, financial sanctions against Alison-Madueke, others
The United States government has considered imposing a visa ban or financial sanctions against ex-petroleum minister, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, and a dozen of her associates, government officials in the oil and gas sector and politicians.
Osinbajo says Nigeria’s economic management needs re-think
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo who has been designated to oversee the Nigerian economy says the current economic strategy needs a rethink, which explains a new paradigm shift by the  President Buhari-led administration in adopting ‘a home grown’ strategy to fix burgeoning local challenges as against the past.

5 Precious Gifts You Deserve to Give Yourself

“The greatest gift you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.” ~Anthony J. D’Angelo
The other day, when I was out celebrating a friend’s birthday, someone asked about the best gift I’d ever received.
So this got me thinking—the best gifts you can give yourself are things that are priceless. They are a collection of moments and experiences that add depth and value to your life.
Aside from a lifetime of adventures, here is a list of invaluable gifts you deserve to give yourself.

1. Time to learn about yourself.

In Dr. Meg Jay’s TED TALK, she offers twenty-somethings a piece of advice—to invest in “identity capital,” something that adds value to who you are and who you want to be.
I feel this point is applicable to people of all ages. One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to learn more about you.
Give yourself the permission to explore and really get to know who you are. Discover what you like  and don’t like. This will help you set your standards and boundaries, which are hopefully aligned with your values, so that you can create the life you want.
Along the way you might find that things change. And that’s okay. It’s natural. When it does, recognize this and be mindful in your daily actions as you adjust to the person you are becoming.

2. Peace of mind.

Everything is temporary; nothing lasts forever.
When you give yourself permission to befriend what is, instead of what you think it should be, you’ll realize that the best thing you can do is to focus on the present and count your blessing.
There’s no need to worry incessantly, for you can’t control the future, or what others think for that matter. Most of the time people are self-absorbed, going through their own things, not even aware of how their actions and reactions may have come across to you.
Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything; it only takes away today’s peace.
When you are in the moment, just do what you can do. Sometimes it may be nothing, and it’s okay.
Have faith that everything will work out for the best. After all, you have found a way to survive your ‘bad’ choices thus far. So going forward, why not trust yourself? You’ve got the proof that you are capable of more than you know.

4. A chance.

Give yourself the gift of following your dreams. Do what you love; do what is important for you.
In order for you to live a fulfilled and meaningful life, you have to live it yourself. So don’t wait until it’s too late. Find the courage and willpower to live a life true to yourself, and spend your time doing what counts for you.
I was once depressed and was lucky to find passion for life again.
Through reading self-help books, following sites like Tiny Buddha, getting into yoga, and asking for help, I realized I’d been living someone else’s life . No wonder I was in a slump and unhappy.
When I started to fall in love with life all over again, I was determined to start living on my own terms. And now I am giving myself a chance to do what it is I love, which is to help others whose lights have been dimmed to find purpose and passion again.
As Wayne Dyer famously said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

5. Forgiveness.

“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” ~Unknown
We often have a hard time forgiving ourselves for our mistakes. Instead of beating ourselves, we need to appreciate the lessons we’ve learned from our unwise choices.
Recognize that you did your best with what you understood back then. You are not defined by your past.
The fact that you are upset and holding yourself accountable shows that you care and that you have reflected and grown from the experience. So it’s time to stop berating yourself and judging your actions.
Forgive yourself like you would with a friend or a love one. When you forgive and let go of the guilt and shame, you give yourself the power to change your story.
Last but not least, be your own best friend! Give yourself the gift of being the kind of person you would most like to spend the time with.
When you catch yourself talking negatively, change it to a more positive and supportive voice. Be nice to yourself.
You deserve it.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Bridal Fashion Tips: 5 things you can do with your wedding gown after your big day

It doesn't  really matter how costly your gown is, you only get to wear it for this once in a lifetime moment.
Do you know that  many brides have no intention of wearing the wedding dress again once their nuptials are over? To them it doesn't matter how expensive the gown is, they only get to wear it for this once in a lifetime moment. Inspired by, here are a few ideas on what to do with your gown once your big day is over.
1.  Sell it: For new brides trying to scrape every Naira together after the wedding or trying to reach a particular amount in savings to purchase something valuable, consider selling your wedding gown 2. Recycle it: If you seem to love the fabric too much to part with it, try cutting pieces out to make nice clothes for your baby's christening or making a silk pillowcase for your baby's crib. A homemade handkerchief from pieces of your gown for your grown daughter would be awesome too.
3. Donate it: Donating your dress for a charitable cause is another option. A bride-to-be who hasn't got much in her pocket for an awesome wedding dress will find your dress more appealing. These proceeds from your goodwill can be donated towards another charitable cause.
4. Lend it out: You can lend out you awesome dress to another female family member or friend who seems to be finding it hard purchasing the dress of her dreams. Giving it out to a fashion house for a photoshoot session is also an awesome idea.
5. Keep it: If your gown is of sentimental value, holding on to it is another option for you. Make sure it is clean enough to pass it down in the future.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Self Improvement: Getting ready for Vindication and How Not to Miss it

Have you ever had one of those “that was meant for me” moments?
For example, a book falls to the ground opening to something interesting or maybe the wind flips something to a certain page, and all of a sudden some word or a phrase catches your eye. But it doesn’t just catch your eye, it actually gives you a feeling that somehow someone was speaking directly to you.
The reason being is because it aligns so perfectly with everything you’re going through right now and basically, it’s exactly what you needed to hear.
Call them coincidences if you want, but personally I don’t think they are. You’ll have to decide for yourself.
For me, I’m going to stick with the notion that there’s a reason for everything.
I’ve had a few of these incidents that stick out the most in my life, and some are more impactful than others.
The most recent one was when I lost someone so dear to me. I had been under so much pressure; things were falling in all directions and basically shutting down one by one. I felt like I was nearing my worst.
That whole morning and including while I was recalling our memories the quote that kept playing in the back of my mind was by Shannon L. Alder, “You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.”
My mind decided to connect the dots and it was like a “Wow that was meant for me!” moment. I felt great that entire morning and knew something was coming around the corner.
But the truth is, no matter you think about coincidences vindication is coming no matter what. It’s coming for you, for him, for her, for me, and for everybody.
The biggest question really is, “are you going to be ready for it when it does come?”
Most people are not. Opportunities pass us by on a daily basis and we’re never ready for it, or are even ready to recognize that it actually was an opportunity.
Think about what you do now and ask yourself if there was a given point in your life where you would have not recognized, let alone be ready for what you’re currently doing if it were presented to you then.
Oh my goodness I can think of countless things regarding my own life. Especially with me being a coach, writer, and speaker I would have never been ready for this opportunity had this been presented to me 20 years ago. No way!
Not even 10 years was I equipped to do what I’m doing now. And if I stretched that even closer, I would say that even though I was already coaching 5 years ago, I was not ready to coach for struggling and unemployable entrepreneurs 5 years ago.
I had to go through my seasons and realize that everything I’m doing is an opportunity to prepare for whatever is next.
I realized vindication is trying to happen for me all the time. It’s there, it’s here, it’s everywhere, and I’m always wondering now what I could be currently missing out on that’s right in front of me because I’m not ready for it.
You have opportunities that are in front of you right this very moment, and it’s possible that you don’t see it because you’re not ready or prepared to see it. And even if you could see it, to act on it might be to your demise because you have not prepared enough.
I acted on speaking several years ago but struggled with my delivery. My message wasn’t strong enough, and my passion was not as authentic as it needed to be.
Now, I’m readier than ever and it’s taken the linking of arms with great coaches and mentors to help me see that potential I needed to prepare more in, and once I did, I became unstoppable.
Here is what’s real. My vindication is here, and yours is too. You might just need a new perspective so you too can become unstoppable.
Seek preparation, live preparation, always be in preparation, and you’re going to always be ready for the great things that show up right on time.

Nigeria ministerial List

Labour Party reacts to Buhari's Ministerial list
The Labour Party through its National Chairman, Alhaji Abdulkadir Abdulsalam, on Tuesday, said “Buhari has nothing to offer Nigeria. There is no promise of change at all. All these people are analogue persons who cannot bring about any change under the current dispensation."
He further said that “It is also very unfortunate that Nigerian youth who make up the greater percentage of our population and who voted for Buhari massively were not given their due share in the ministerial nomination."
Do you think they will deliver?

Sunday 4 October 2015

Self Improvement: Find Your Own Best Friend in the Mirror

Find Your Own Best Friend in the Mirror!

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is the one you have with yourself.
When you know and love who you see in the mirror, you find the answers and acceptance you’ve been seeking in others. When you learn to cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself, you also pursue healthier relationships with those around you. When you become your own best friend, you become a more fulfilled you.
Here are three reasons why you should be your own best friend, along with action steps to help you get started today:

1. No one will ever know you better than you can know yourself.

It’s a loud world. Everywhere you turn, there are advertisements, social media feeds and expert opinions, not to mention the advice of friends and loved ones. It’s hard to hear your own voice over the constant stream of everyone else’s input.
But what if you could turn off all that exterior noise? What if your own voice was the loudest one you heard? What would it say?
It’s time you turn up the volume of your inner self. It’s time you realize that no one else can really know who you are, how you should spend your time or what you should create with your life. Only you know what is most meaningful and fulfilling for you. Only you have the answers.
So stop listening to everyone else and get to know yourself. Ask yourself the important questions, and answer them honestly. Be your own confidante so you can be your own guide.
Get to know the real you by answering these three questions for yourself:
  • What feeling or idea have you been ignoring in favor of others’ advice?
  • How much happier would you be if you stopped neglecting your own goals and ideals?
  • What changes have you failed to make that would bring you happiness if you finally made them? Why haven’t you made those changes?

2. When you treat yourself with love and respect, you expect the same loving and respectful treatment from others.

If you habitually nitpick your perceived flaws or tear yourself down for every misstep, you’re more inclined to let your friends and family talk to you the same way. If you aren’t treating yourself with love and respect, you won’t have the self-assurance to ask for loving and respectful treatment from others. When negativity and criticism become your norm, you forget that you can choose a happier, healthier norm.
However, if you treat yourself the way you should be treated – with the utmost love and respect for your physical, emotional and spiritual well being – your norm will shift to one of positivity. And, in turn, you’ll expect more positivity from your relationships.
When you love and respect yourself, you won’t tolerate anything less from your friends and family; you’ll have a higher standard for how you expect to be treated. Remember, love and respect aren’t luxuries or added bonuses; they are non-negotiables. Accept nothing but the best treatment, and remember that you have the power to set the pattern for how you’re treated.
Treat yourself better, and set the pattern for others to treat you better, by doing the following:
  • Forgive yourself for your flaws; they’re just parts, they aren’t the whole package. They don’t define you.
  • Learn from your mistakes and move on. Don’t dwell and don’t punish yourself.
  • Remember that you aren’t obligated to tolerate anything less than loving and respectful treatment.

3. When you stop seeking outside approval, you find that you don’t need it.

Something magical happens when you can see yourself in the mirror and believe that you are enough: you won’t need to hear it from anyone else. Affirmation, acceptance and approval will already be yours. It won’t matter what your mom or your boss or your neighbor thinks, because you’ll know exactly who you are and what you’re capable of. Your realization of your own personal greatness will far surpass any compliments or pats on the back that someone else could give you.
So how can you get to this magical place of self-approval? Ask yourself these questions:
  • Why are you seeking the approval of others, and why is it so important to you?
  • What would it take for you to accept and approve of yourself?
Remember that relationships should be based on what you’re willing to give, not what you’re hoping to get. And the same goes for your relationship with yourself: if you’re focusing on who you think you should be, you’re failing to appreciate who you are right now, right here. Now go look in the mirror – your best friend is waiting for you.


Saturday 3 October 2015

Must read 6 Great Lessons To Learn That Only Failure Can Teach Us

What have you learned from failure, lately?

Put simply, failure hurts. Everyone has failed at some point, but it’s less about the failure itself and more about how the person who has failed picks themselves up, dust off that failure and gets back to work.
Go down a list of great innovators, thinkers, artists, athletes, Hollywood stars and public figures and you’ll see a Who’s Who of people who used failure as a driving force on their way to re-shaping the American culture and lifestyle. People like Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jordan and Elvis Presley all achieved greatness along avenues paved with failure.
What each of those people took from their failures was different, but here are six lessons that anyone can take from their missed attempts at success.

1. Failure does not actually exist.

Usually, things don’t work out for a reason. Failures are a natural method for someone to move toward a better path.What someone may perceive as failure is likely just a lesson they’ll learn on their road to success. It only becomes a true failure if they don’t take ownership of mistakes and attempt to learn from those errors or do the right things to fix them.

With this in mind, failure is actually a means to an end rather than simply being the end. Failure then, means changing direction.

2. The learning process is always valuable.

Someone who has failed is best served by exploring the reasons why and being open to learning what they could have done better. Once they’ve done that and taken steps to improve their performance rather than feeling defeated, they can recommit to trying again. One of the worst side-effects of failure is losing the desire and the courage to try again.
Effective learning can only be done when those without ego have the long view in mind and stay connected to why they started along their current path in the first place.

3. Taking chances is the key to success.

A Air Jordan Commercial featuring “His Airness” himself once stated: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
The point Michael Jordan is articulating is pretty simple. With great risk, comes great reward. If you never make a real attempt, you’ll never succeed. Instead, you’ll wonder what might have been if you hadn’t been so afraid to fail.

4. You are capable of more than you think.

Odds are, you are much more of an expert on something than you realize. People tend to forget about how much they really know concerning their topic of expertise because they get caught up in daily life. But, if challenged to write it all down, they tend to know a lot more than they realize.

4. You are capable of more than you think.

Odds are, you are much more of an expert on something than you realize. People tend to forget about how much they really know concerning their topic of expertise because they get caught up in daily life. But, if challenged to write it all down, they tend to know a lot more than they realize.

5. Perseverance is an asset.

Failure is going to happen, but this does not mean failure translates to success. Perseverance is the engine that makes the journey from failure to success possible, because when someone fails it doesn’t automatically mean they won’t try something else that doesn’t work. Failing again is always possible, after which perseverance is the only thing that will see them through the next rinse and repeat cycle.
When it’s all said and done, someone who fails has to own their mistakes and move forward with a focus on improving things they did that were successful in some way rather than focus solely on avoiding things that contributed to their failures.

6. You are not alone.

Failure can feel like a lonely experience, but all it takes is tracking down someone who has found even a modicum of success to find a person who understands the struggle of coping with failure.
Famous examples of this can be found practically everywhere you turn, but one story that stands out is a man who played a big role in our daily lives.
Thomas Edison was once told by his grade school teachers that he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He was fired from his first two jobs due to a lack of productivity. In the process of inventing the light bulb, Edison made hundreds of unsuccessful designs before finding the one that eventually revolutionized the way people live their lives to this day.
Edison addressed failure often, both in his life and in his words. There is perhaps no better conclusion to this reading than a quote from the man whose list of innovations includes the telegraph, paraffin paper, the phonograph and, of course, the electric lighting we rely so heavily on.
“Many of life’s failures are from people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”


Friday 25 September 2015

Celebrity Birthday: Bovi, DJ Neptune are a year older

Bovi Ugboma was born in Benin City. He studied Theatre Arts at the Delta State University. His career in entertainment started in 2007 when he acted in the sitcom Extended Family. 

Today is the birthday of popular Nigerian stand-up comedian Bovi. He is 36 years old.
Bovi Ugboma was born in Benin City. He studied Theatre Arts at the Delta State University. His career in entertainment started in 2007 when he acted in the sitcom Extended Family. Thanks to the popularity of the show Bovi started performing comedy shows all over the country in 2008. 
Since then his career has flown off and he is one of the biggest stand up comedy acts in Nigeria. 
Top Nigerian DJ, DJ Neptune who hails from Edo state celebrates his birthday today. He was born and raised in the city of Lagos. His interest in deejaying started when he was in secondary school. After going for DJ tutorials, DJ Neptune landed in Raypower where he established himself. A few years after he got signed to Storm Records which made him one of the most visible DJs in the land.
Happy birthday DJ Neptune and Bovi!

Saraki: “Why did they wait until after 13 years before probing him?” Ex-Police Commissioner asks

Tsav described the probe as a witch-hunt while questioning the amount of time which had passed before it commenced.
Former Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, Alhaji Abubakar Tsav has criticized the ongoing trial of Senate President, Bukola Saraki at the Code of Conduct Tribunal
Tsav described the probe as a witch-hunt while questioning the amount of time which had passed before it commenced

“The probe is a witch-hunt. If not, why did they not take it up on him long ago?” Tsav said while speaking to journalists in Makurdi, Benin State.
“Why did they not take it up when he was in PDP and romancing with the APC? I think we are creating a very dangerous trend in this country. Why did they wait until after 13 years before probing him? Why did they have to wait until he became the senate president before probing him?” he asked further.
Saraki is being tried for assets declaration offences allegedly committed while he was the governor of Kwara State.
 His trial has been adjourned to October 21, 2015, for further hearing.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Mc Buluku: Another Production

Watch out ''The Next Tv Show''!!!!  A comic and fun-filled Tv show directed by Mc Buluku.............
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Celebrity Birthday: Segun Arinze is 50 years old

Segun Arinze who hails from Badagry, Lagos was born in Onitsha, Anambra to a Yoruba father and an Igbo mother. 
Today (September 24) is the birthday of Nollywood veteran Segun Arinze. He hits the big 50 today.
Segun Arinze who hails from Badagry, Lagos was born in Onitsha, Anambra to a Yoruba father and an Igbo mother.
He attended Victory College of Commerce in Ilorin, and Taba Commercial College in Kaduna State where he completed his secondary education.

Segun Arinze studied Dramatic Arts at Obafemi Awolowo University. He started acting in the mid 80's, and appeared on the popular Nigerian soap opera 'Ripples'. In the early 90's he ventured into singing and released an album.
During the boom of the Nigerian home video industry in the mid 90's Segun Arinze's popularity as an actor soared. He is most known for his role as Black Arrow in the movie 'Silent Night' starring Ramsey Nouah Jr.
He is married with kids.
Happy birthday Segun Arinze!

Today`s Inspiration:"When the going gets tough… hasten your steps”

Once the race of life is started, no going back. In case it stops abruptly, the prayer won’t be for the courage to start again; rather, the prayer would be for the grace to continue.
Life is not a bed of roses. Life is not a galore of goodies. Life is not all about success and fortunes. Life is not all about enjoyment and being entertained.
Everything about life is not “JOY”. There are times when the good-s won’t just come. There are times when it seems the world is no more. There are times when you are to face the worst.
A man is born with good and bad fortunes, enjoyment and suffering, success and failure, hunger and satisfaction, pleasure and displeasure, LIFE and DEATH! The world is filled with the two sides.
There are things to do when the going gets tough and it seems nothing more. You need to have what it takes. All it takes is the courage to continue. Once the race of life is started, no going back. In case it stops abruptly, the prayer won’t be for the courage to start again; rather, the prayer would be for the grace to continue.
Courage is something vital for the existence of every individual and the upkeep of everyone who wants to make something out of life and succeed.
A saying goes thus, “when the going gets tough, the tough ought to get going”. Look at those who have made it and follow their steps if you want to make it. Following the steps of successful people will hasten your steps and get you to your desired destination.
Do the right things at the right time and stop following people who influence your life negatively.

Taming the Untamed

Do you know that there is power of life and death in the tongue. Let’s say you have five events you need to attend, you have some lectures you need to attend, you have an assignment that you need to do, you need to get to the market and maybe you need to visit someone at the hospital all in one day, how’d you do it?
The tongue is unarguably the smallest and most useful organ of speech. In fact, it is often agreed that the tongue is the most useful and important organ of the body.
It was mainly meant for the rolling down of food right and also functions as the organ of speech. So, basically, the tongue is used for two important things - feeding and speech.
But it is more than that. As a scholar once said, “There is life and death in the tongue”.

This is true to a very great length because if the tongue is used in an edifying way, it would save lives but if otherwise, it may cause trauma, sorrow, sickness and most unfortunately sometimes, death.
As the saying goes, “Life is like a coin; there are two sides to life, the good and bad side of life”. The same law goes for the tongue. If it is used very well, there are gains but if otherwise, there are pains attached to it.

A person’s tongue can be built and demolished, given birth to and killed, hastened and slowed down.
Use your tongue the right way and see the good side of it and use it otherwise and see the bad fire!!!

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Wellness Tips: 5 tips to stay healthy no matter how busy your day gets

Even of you a busy professional with little or no time to exercise or stay in shape, these tips work perfectly to help you stay healthy.
Staying healthy requires constant attention to one's overall state, from eating the right type of food, exercising and more but then work gets in the way of staying in shape making it an unfruitful effort?
Professionals/busy executives are busy at every time of the day as all their time count making it difficult to squeeze in other things including dedicating time to exercise, visits to the gym and more
If you don't have the luxury of time- understandably so- there are five ways to still stay healthy from day to day, check these handy tips:
1. Never skip breakfast
Breakfast should be eaten like a king as this fuels the body for the most productive and better part of the day.
Breakfast jump starts the body to take on the day. Studies reveal skipping breakfast can increase obesity and diabetes risks and cause morning moodiness.
2. Hydrate
Drink at least eight glasses of water everyday. Water works to keep the body hydrated as well as flush out toxins.
3. Don't work and eat at the same time
Dedicate a time to eat and that alone. Don't try to eat and work at the same time but take a few minutes during the day to eat, breathe deep and generally relax because it refreshes the entire body.
4. Reduce alcohol intake
Alcohol does more harm than good to the body (the organs) as well as the skin. If you must take alcohol reduce it to the barest minimum to stay healthy.
5. Eat quality food always: Surviving on fast foods/ cheap alternatives will eventually wreak havoc on the body. Eat quality food, avoid quantity over quality when it comes to the food to feed on especially at work


In Maiduguri: Bombing Update

72 deaths were recorded at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), while another 45 were registered at the Borno State Specialist Hospital.

The death toll from the September 20 bombings, which occurred in Maiduguri, Borno State, has risen to 117, reports say.
      72 deaths were recorded at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), while another 45 were registered at the Borno State Specialist Hospital, AFP reports citing hospital sources.
“Sixty-nine dead bodies were brought here and three other people died while receiving treatment,” a doctor at UMTH told AFP on Tuesday, September 22.
“I am afraid that there are some victims with grievous injuries who may likely require referral to other specialised hospitals,” he added.
“Most of the bodies were unrecognisable because of the burns the victims sustained. Most of the 43 people that died in the mosque were brought here,” a staff of the specialist hospital said
The police had initially announced a casualty figure of 50 adding that 95 people were injured in the attacks.
Meanwhile, the Army has said that the latest explosion shows Boko Haram’s increasing desperation.