Thursday 24 September 2015

Taming the Untamed

Do you know that there is power of life and death in the tongue. Let’s say you have five events you need to attend, you have some lectures you need to attend, you have an assignment that you need to do, you need to get to the market and maybe you need to visit someone at the hospital all in one day, how’d you do it?
The tongue is unarguably the smallest and most useful organ of speech. In fact, it is often agreed that the tongue is the most useful and important organ of the body.
It was mainly meant for the rolling down of food right and also functions as the organ of speech. So, basically, the tongue is used for two important things - feeding and speech.
But it is more than that. As a scholar once said, “There is life and death in the tongue”.

This is true to a very great length because if the tongue is used in an edifying way, it would save lives but if otherwise, it may cause trauma, sorrow, sickness and most unfortunately sometimes, death.
As the saying goes, “Life is like a coin; there are two sides to life, the good and bad side of life”. The same law goes for the tongue. If it is used very well, there are gains but if otherwise, there are pains attached to it.

A person’s tongue can be built and demolished, given birth to and killed, hastened and slowed down.
Use your tongue the right way and see the good side of it and use it otherwise and see the bad fire!!!

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