Thursday 14 May 2015

Couples only ;Be realistic! Here are things that can never be perfect in your relationships

The idea of a perfect relationship is not breaking your head over the little things that go wrong

Everyone dreams of having that 'perfect' relationship but in truth, when reality stares you in the face,you'll realise that there's nothing like a 'made in heaven' union.
The fact remains that couples who are good together have had their on fair share of relationship troubles. The only difference remains that they knew how to work through it and came out victorious.
The idea of a perfect relationship is not breaking your head over the little things that go wrong, rather focus on the right things.
Holly Riordan lists 7 things that can never be perfect in any relationship.
  1. You don't always have to be on the same page:
     You're always told that communication is important in any #relationship, and it is. However, you won't always be on the same page. Once in a while, texting your #boyfriend will slip your mind, and he'll be upset that you kept him out of the loop. Or maybe he'll bottle up his feelings of jealousy in order to keep you happy, and one day #everything will explode out of him. Even though communication is important, you're still going to have misunderstandings. It just happens.
  2. Sex won't always be mind-blowing: 
     You aren't going to have mind-blowing sex every #time you slip beneath the sheets. Some occasions will be better than others, and that's nothing to worry about. Even though the honeymoon is over, it doesn't mean that he's any less attracted to you.
  3. Some date won't be fun:
     Your dates aren't always going to be perfect either. You can't blame your #boyfriend for putting in less effort five years down the road than he did when you first met. Sure, you still want him to do sweet #things for you, but not every anniversary will come with a ridiculously romantic gesture. You should be happy just to spend #time with him.
  4. A family member or two won't like him:
     You can't expect your entire family to love your #man. Even though your parents and friends adore him, there's bound to be a cousin or an aunt that thinks he's bad news. It's no big deal. You can't please everybody, so there's no sense in trying.
  5. He won't always have his eyes on you: 
     Yes, you want your #boyfriend to be completely loyal to you. However, you can't get mad at him for admiring Emma Stone's beauty or complimenting your BFF on her haircut. He's allowed to find other #women attractive. He just can't act on those feelings.
  6. Your house won't be spotless: 
     You're not going to have a perfect house with a picket fence and obedient children. You're going to have a house with siding that needs to be fixed and children that curse at you behind your back. That doesn't mean you've failed as a couple. It's just life. Nothing is ever as perfect as it looks in the movies.
  7. You won't divide the chores equally: 
     You're partners, which means you should be treated as equals. However, it's difficult to distribute chores so that you're both doing the same amount of work. Maybe you have three duties to do and he has three as well, but your job of mowing the lawn is harder than his job of washing dishes. It's impossible to keep #things completely even, so don't get mad at him when he's trying to do his part.

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