Wednesday 13 May 2015

Living With The Dead: Woman says she has been having sex with her dead husband for 4 years

A 30-year-old woman from Bulawyo, Zimbabwe, identified as Marie, is in a big dilemma after her husband who died four years earlier has refused to let her have a normal life as he keeps coming back to have sex with her.
The widow who said her husband died when she was 26, believes she is under a kind of spell and wants help from some Sangomas (witch doctors), to free her from the grip of her late husband.
Hear her:
"I have gone through enough of this spiritual warfare. I'm a 30-year-old widow and my husband died 4 years ago when I was 26 years old. We had just gotten married when he died in a horrific car accident and died on the spot.
That was five months after we had been married. I got so emotional pain that I would mysteriously see him every night. He would be crying whilst looking at me and I thought I was dreaming.
Three months later, I felt like someone was waking me up at night and I was shocked to see him in my bedroom, sitting by side of the bed. I wanted to scream but he held my mouth and said he had come to help me since he had seen that I was suffering a lot.
I asked him how that was possible when he was dead and he said although we had buried him, his spirit had not departed. He said he still wanted to be with me for some time. He said he would look after me but he warned me against telling people about this development.
He said I should not tell even his own mother and I agreed not to. Since then, we have been living together as husband and wife with the ghost of my dead husband. He would buy groceries, pay rentals and all.
Then there is a church I visited early this year and the pastor preached about not interacting with the dead. So now I want to stop living with this dead man but I don't know how to go about it.
I really loved my husband and even up to now, I still love him dearly. He has never changed. He still is exactly like he was before he died. But what I have noticed is that he is not growing older. He still is exactly as he was when he died four years ago.
I don't even have feelings for any other man. I feel like I'm a married woman. Our sex life has never changed. It's still as it was before my husband died. But now I'm scared that I'm living with a corpse in the house. Maybe it's because I'm now going to church. I have also not stayed with anyone in my house since my husband died. I always live alone.
At church, our pastor was once attacked with the demon of another man and the man of God collapsed, then became conscious later on. It's evident that if I ask him to pray for my husband's spirit to go away, that would be way beyond his powers.
I'm also afraid of telling my husband that I don't want to live him with anymore. How do I tell him when he loves me so much? When visitors come to my house during the day, my husband mysteriously disappears and only returns when they are gone.
I have never told anyone about this strange encounter, this is my first time to open up about it. One day he told me that his spirit would depart when I breathe my last. So to him, as long as I'm alive he wants to be with me.
Is there any pastor or Sangoma who can solve this spiritual problem? I have been to well known local prophets, but they all failed to detect my dead husband's spirit.
I wanted to come across a prophet who would first detect that I'm living with a dead man before I could narrate my ordeal to him. I am now born again and I now want to live a normal life. Please help me win this spiritual warfare."

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