Friday 29 May 2015

Muhammadu Buhari: 10 important things Nigeria’s new President said in his inaugural speech

Buhari in his inaugural speech, given at the Eagle Square in Abuja, stated that he belonged to everybody and to nobody.
 Mohammadu Buhari was today, May 29, 2015, sworn in as Nigeria’s new President.
Buhari in his inaugural speech, given at the Eagle Square in Abuja, stated that he belonged to everybody and to nobody.
Here are 10 important things he said in the speech:
  1. I would like to thank President Goodluck Jonathan for his display of statesmanship in setting a precedent for us that has now made our people proud to be Nigerians wherever they are.
  2. I would like to thank the millions of our supporters who believed in us even when the cause seemed hopeless.
  3. I salute their resolve in waiting long hours in rain and hot sunshine to register and cast their votes and stay all night if necessary to protect and ensure their votes count and were counted. I thank those who tirelessly carried the campaign on the social media.
  4. Having just a few minutes ago sworn on the Holy Book, I intend :to keep my oath and serve as President to all Nigerians.
  5. I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody.
  6. A few people have privately voiced fears that on coming back to office I shall go after them. These fears are groundless. There will be no paying off old scores. The past is prologue.
  7. Nigerians will not regret that they have entrusted national responsibility to us. We must not succumb to hopelessness and defeatism. We can fix our problems.
  8. We cannot claim to have defeated Boko Haram without rescuing the Chibok girls and all other innocent persons held hostage by insurgents.
  9. Boko Haram is a typical example of small fires causing large fires. Boko Haram is a mindless, godless group who are as far away from Islam as one can think of.
  10. My fellow Nigerians I cannot recall when Nigeria enjoyed so much goodwill abroad as now. Nigeria therefore has a window of opportunity to fulfill our long – standing potential of pulling ourselves together and realizing our mission as a great nation

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