Wednesday 15 April 2015

Can you marry a retired prostitute?

A reader is in a dilemma and is asking for advice on whether he should marry a retired prostitute who helped him get over a terrible heartbreak. What would you say to him?

"Dear Izu,
My name is Benjamin Odiase. I am a regular reader of your inspirational articles and I give kudos to you for a job well done.
I have a problem which I hope your readers would help me out with valuable advice. I am in love with a woman who was once a prostitute living in a hotel. I met her a year ago when my heart was broken by a woman I loved with everything in me.
And since then, she has been the best woman any man can ever have, helping me to overcome the heartbreak. Since I made my intentions known to her, she has left the trade and is now a very religious person.
Loveth is so kind, understanding, generous, well behaved and homely and she gives me peace of mind. The only snag is that my family do not want me to marry her because of her past.
Some of my friends have vowed never to have anything to do with me if I go ahead an marry her even when they know she is my choice.
I don't know what to do and that is why I want your fans to advice me.
Dear readers, the ball is now in your court. Would you advise Ben to marry a retired prostitute? And for the ladies, would you allow your brother to marry one?

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