Sunday 5 April 2015

Daily Words of Inspiration #2 – Tolerate Yourself

Daily Words of Inspiration  – Tolerate Yourself

“Today, I will be tolerant of myself. From that, I will learn appropriate tolerance of others.”

Today is the day you stop beating yourself up. Tolerate and grow.

Yes at times you might avoid challenges, not keep your word, have emotional highs and lows, but still…tolerate yourself.

Yes, others might say they will be there on time and “You can count on me!” and never show up. Tolerate them.

Yes there are times when you go against your gut, make decisions based on fear and talk yourself out of action…tolerate yourself.

It is very difficult to have the energy to grow if we are always beating ourselves up. It is difficult to work, negotiate and collaborate with others if we are taking everything they do personal, or judging it. Tolerate them.

Tolerate does not mean settle and become complacent with unacceptable issues.

It simply means acknowledge what is going on and focus on the next best step, without getting frazzled, focused and distracted.

When we stopping beating ourselves up, we have greater energy and the right mindset to make things happen!

Here are some examples of inspirational self talk:

    “I will not beat myself up, I am a work in progress.”
    “I look forward to making better mistakes tomorrow.”
    “I love myself and all of my mistakes, it has made me who I am.”
    “Life is easier when I am my own best friend.”
    “I will not punish myself, I will forgive myself.”
    “How long will I let this upset me? 1 hour? 1 day? 1 week?”
    “I am not trying to be perfect, I am trying to be better.”
    “I will never tolerate disrespect, not even from myself.”
    “Life is rough enough, the last person I need to beat me up is me!”
    “I accept myself, as I am. I love myself unconditionally.”

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